John Chambers, CEO of CISCO on what the future holds, from MITWorld. He thinks we are about to see the most fundamental change in businesses…
aging idealist. ai and education, open web, open publishing.
John Chambers, CEO of CISCO on what the future holds, from MITWorld. He thinks we are about to see the most fundamental change in businesses…
Brett’s movie, RIP: A Remix Manifesto on the BBC:
From Oren Lavie: Oren Lavie’s flash site (sigh). And a live set on Morning Becomes Eclectic. [via @mdash], the National Film Board’s web site is now live, and open for viewers. Seven hundred documentaries, shorts, animations and general filmy goodness are available…
I was just in London for BookCamp (fantastic, see my comments here). When I fly, I usually download a number of TED Talks to watch…
[via liber.rhetoricae]
David Simon is a former journalist who quit his job because he could no longer do it the way he wanted to do it: the…
Knitted animation, a music video of the song Les peaux de lièvres, from Montreal band Tricot Machine… wow: [via Knitguy]
My friend Oana Avasilichioaei recently released her latest book of poetry, feria: a poempark (amazon link): Oana Avasilichioaei deftly dismantles language and landscape in a…