I have a new article up at Huffpo, On Books & Ebooks: Among book lovers, there continues to be an prevalent negative feeling about electronic…
aging idealist. ai and education, open web, open publishing.
I have a new article up at Huffpo, On Books & Ebooks: Among book lovers, there continues to be an prevalent negative feeling about electronic…
Testing John Miedema’s Open Book plugin, which helps blogs publish data from the great OpenLibrary site (sorta an open IMDB for books, a project of…
Brett’s movie Rip: Remix Manifesto will be showing as an ‘avant -premiere’ (?) at Festival Du Nouveau Cinema, this Friday Oct. 17th at 7:30 PM…
Joseph Stiglitz on the Paulson Bailout Plan, in the Guardian: Britain showed at least that it still believed in some sort of system of accountability:…
Some of you know that Stephanie, Marie-Eve and I, and a few others including Dan & Chris from LibriVox & Collectik, have been working on…
I have a new start-up project underway, and I’m really excited about it. I have been lucky enough to get some fabulous people on board…
Here are the abouts from my twitter friends: i podcast and create junk for a living Indie Music and Fun UX & Web developer from…
Evan just launched an open source twitterish thing called identi.ca. He’s got tons of traction in a few short days (that surely have been long…
NYTimes reports: The White House in December refused to accept the Environmental Protection Agency’s conclusion that greenhouse gases are pollutants that must be controlled, telling…