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PodMtl meet-up this thursday

PodMtl, a monthly meet-up for podcasters and the podcast-curious, as well as friends and family-members of podcasters. PodMtl is a welcoming, non-judgmental gathering in an open, non-threatening environment, to talk about issues that affect podcasters and those around them.

pod mtl

So join us on November 29th starting at 19:30. Here’s the address :

* Sergent Recruteur
* 4801 St-Laurent blvd, Montreal
* 514.287.1412

I’m going to try to make it, but I am training back from Ottawa that day.

Thanks for organizing this, to: Sylvain and Bob.


  1. mtl3p mtl3p 2007-11-28

    “welcoming, non-judgmental gathering in an open, non-threatening environment”

    hunh? that’s the first time I’ve seen this language in the tech scene. What’s the deal? I’m interested.

  2. Hugh Hugh 2007-11-28

    experimenting with Mirror Community Events Classified Ad writing style.

  3. reuben reuben 2007-11-28

    that logo is utterly badass.

  4. Matt Matt 2007-11-30

    “PodMtl is a welcoming, non-judgmental gathering in an open, non-threatening environment”

    Is this Alcoholics Anonymous or for podcasters?

    Seriously – Can’t believe I missed it. Please post a round-up / review.

  5. Hugh Hugh 2007-11-30

    It was mostly show-and-tell about audio gadgets, but I spent the whole time talking to serge about how podcasting meet-ups & camps are always talking about things like how to grow your audience, how to market yourself, what gadgets to use, etc, which is fine, but it would be much more interesting to spend more time talking about the cool projects people could be doing, with “podcasts” just happening to be the means of distribution, which is what serge (from du bon et du con) and i talked about, to whit:
    -an exploration of north american french accents, talking to louisiana cajuns, franco-ontariennes, quebecois from lac st jean to gaspe to gatineau, and acadians, among others
    -a show about the old folk stories etc from the groups above
    -a weekly show about the issues surrounding suicide, with interviews with kids, parents etc
    -interviews with farmers about their lives
    – a daily? weekly? 5 minute clip with random old people talking about what life was like when they were kids.

    etc. etc. etc.

    why aren’t more people doing more interesting things with audio on the net.

    it drives me crazy.

  6. Serge Lemire Serge Lemire 2008-01-13

    Salut Hugh,

    Bien content de lire ce que tu racontes…en effet, le contenu est le plus important et manque cruellement dans tout ce que l’on voit en podcasting. À force d’en parler nous pourrons peut-être influer le cours des choses et éveiller les gens à “créer” du contenu. Nous n’avons pas besoin du dernier cri en gagdets électroniques…

    Et tu réveilles en moi encore une fois ce désir de faire connaître les accents de la Louisiane, des Acadiens de partout au Canada.

    Dernièrement j’ai fait la connaissance d’une Acadienne de l’Ile du Prince Edouard… Angie Arsenault…Elle sera au Café Campus lundi le 14 janvier 2008. Hélas elle ne chante qu’en anglais, j’ai réussi à obtenir de son gérant une toune en français…tu adorerais!

    On se rejase un de ces 4.

    Hugh c’est toujours un plaisir de te jaser!

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