From Boing:
The Canadian government is about to bring down Canada’s version of the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act, and it promises to be the worst copyright law in the developed world. It will contain an “anti-circumvention” clause that prohibits breaking the locks off your music and movies in order to move them to new devices or watch them after the company that made them goes out of business — and it will follow the US’s disastrous lead with the DMCA in that there will be no exceptions to the ban on circumvention, not even for parody, fair dealing, time shifting, or other legal uses.
Says Patrick:
If you have any interest at all in copyright, public domain, innovation and Canada then you must read Howard Knopf’s post which states that Canada’s copyright law is stronger and better than U.S.’s.
Says Knopf:
Canada’s New Government is about to betray its libertarian roots and its 2005 Policy Declaration by heavily interfering with the marketplace of ideas and commerce, and providing unnecessary and counterproductive monopoly rights that serve only to benefit mostly foreign corporate interests. Nothing is more interventionist and counterproductive to innovation and cultural evolution than excessively strong IP protection. Thomas Jefferson, one of the greatest of all Americans, understood and articulated this better than anyone.
Thanks Hugh (it’s Shane by the way), How are things?