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aol/hotmail and what you are allowed to read? is a lefty news agreggator, and a non-profit org. They send out newsletters and the like to subscribers. Recently, apparently, AOL and hotmail have stopped delivering truthout emails to hotmail and AOL email users – or have labelled as spam, so the emails are not going thru. Says truthout:

While AOL has been largely evasive and silent about their reasons for blocking communications, our server logs and complaints from subscribers illustrate a clear pattern of interference. Microsoft-Hotmail, while not being forthcoming about their actions to the subscribers involved, have stated to our administrators that they are in fact “throttling” and “blocking” our communications. Further, the Microsoft-Hotmail administrators inform us that they are blocking our communications to Truthout subscribers on their systems due to what they describe as our “reputation.”

For some reason, Truthout has not published the specific correspondence from the services, which would be helpful. Right now the reports on Truthout seem a bit fishy.

Anyway, this is something I’ve never heard of before: an email provider apparently blocking emails from a politically disliked site. Anyone know other instances of this?