… LibriVox began in a vibrant section of Montreal called the Plateau, where 32-year-old Hugh McGuire lives with his wife…McGuire hangs out at Laika, a café and bar around the corner from his house that is popular with Montreal techies. At Laika, open source gurus, community WiFi evangelists, and A-list Web designers drink coffee, eat brunch, work on their laptops, and swap ideas…
Apparently in the print version of the mag, there’s a big pic of Laika – I’ll scan & post it when I get it (coming in the mail). See:
The Wealth of LibriVox:
Classic texts, amateur audiobooks, and the grand future of online peer production
by Michael Erard
(thanks to Heri for the heads up).
There’s a list?!? ;)
yeah! you are on it…
damn, i wish i was on the list! and hey, i miss laika. :)
Incidentally I went to Laïka for the first time last night -> one-minute short movies. Nice place, nice music.
Good going, Hugh.
The Montreal Buzz will keep on going on.
And I’ll move to Austin.
Ah, well…
At Laika, open source gurus, community WiFi evangelists, and A-list Web designers drink coffee, eat brunch, work on their laptops, swap ideas, and listen to salespeople scream into their mobile phones for hours on end.
There is only one a-list web designer that hangs out at Laika…
*pees on door*
well i’d include you in that list too, Boris.