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LibriVox and Laika in Reason Magazine

… LibriVox began in a vibrant section of Montreal called the Plateau, where 32-year-old Hugh McGuire lives with his wife…McGuire hangs out at Laika, a café and bar around the corner from his house that is popular with Montreal techies. At Laika, open source gurus, community WiFi evangelists, and A-list Web designers drink coffee, eat brunch, work on their laptops, and swap ideas…

Apparently in the print version of the mag, there’s a big pic of Laika – I’ll scan & post it when I get it (coming in the mail). See:

The Wealth of LibriVox:
Classic texts, amateur audiobooks, and the grand future of online peer production
by Michael Erard

(thanks to Heri for the heads up).


  1. Patrick Patrick 2007-04-25

    There’s a list?!? ;)

  2. Hugh Hugh 2007-04-25

    yeah! you are on it…

  3. julien julien 2007-04-25

    damn, i wish i was on the list! and hey, i miss laika. :)

  4. Josh Josh 2007-04-25

    Incidentally I went to Laïka for the first time last night -> one-minute short movies. Nice place, nice music.

    Good going, Hugh.

  5. Alexandre Alexandre 2007-04-26

    The Montreal Buzz will keep on going on.
    And I’ll move to Austin.
    Ah, well…

  6. reuben reuben 2007-04-28

    At Laika, open source gurus, community WiFi evangelists, and A-list Web designers drink coffee, eat brunch, work on their laptops, swap ideas, and listen to salespeople scream into their mobile phones for hours on end.

  7. Boris Boris 2007-04-29

    There is only one a-list web designer that hangs out at Laika…
    *pees on door*

  8. Hugh Hugh 2007-04-29

    well i’d include you in that list too, Boris.

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