BBC reports: A single hard drive with four terabytes of storage (4TB) could be a reality by 2011, thanks to a nanotechnology breakthrough by Japanese…
aging idealist. ai and education, open web, open publishing.
BBC reports: A single hard drive with four terabytes of storage (4TB) could be a reality by 2011, thanks to a nanotechnology breakthrough by Japanese…
Nora Young is my favourite CBC radio journalist – she mixes contemporary pop culture with intelligence in just the right doses. She’s been particularly interested…
Hey, sweet. Montreal video maven Casey McKinnon, of Galacticast and A Comic Book Orange, has an article in the (UK) Guardian, How Do You Beat…
Michael Geist on HMV’s decision to drop the price on back-catalog CDs: This week, HMV announced that it was reducing the price on hundreds of…
All this data we are putting into the web – say, into our blogs and into facebook and elsewhere, could be used for much more…
Michael Geist is optimistic: Jim Prentice, Canada’s new Industry Minister, has been on the job for less than a week, yet his appointment has already…
Sometime-Montrealer, occasional yulblogger, and fiction-writer Jon Evans has an article in the Walrus, called: Apocalypse Soon: The Future of Reading, about books, ebooks, the Internet,…
The Canadian press is all over the brutal mobile data rates Canadian carriers charge (compared with reasonable rates elsewhere). An editorial in the Gazette; an…
Says da boing: The New York Public Library has just installed an Espresso book-on-demand machine and they’ll print any of over 200,000 public domain titles…
From Marc Andreessen: Why Facebook is an important, perhaps revolutionary step in the evolution of the web…and what plugging into the platform means (great, long…