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firefox plugin wish: copy/paste extra

for any of my developer friends who have good connections with the firefox gods, here is what i would like to add to the plugin wishingwell (or maybe it exists already – pls send URLs):

copy/paste extra:

an enhancement of the copy/paste functions (ctrl-c/ctrl-v) that allows you to:
copy: to copy the text you want from a page *and* copy the URL of the page it comes from

paste: when you paste the text elsewhere (eg in the window of your blog editor), it pastes the text AND the URL underneath the text. Then linking to the URL will be much easier.

Could be tweaked in various ways, but I just want to avoid having to go back to the same tab twice, once to get the text, and a second time for the URL.

Maybe there’s already a way to do this – pls let me know.

Kara suggests Jumpcut, a utility for macs that:

provides “clipboard buffering” — that is, access to text that you’ve cut or copied, even if you’ve subsequently cut or copied something else. The goal of Jumpcut’s interface is to provide quick, natural, intuitive access to your clipboard’s history.

And it works like a charm; will solve many little niggles I had beyond the original problem described above.


  1. Kara Kara 2007-10-23

    Jumpcut is handy. Copy everything you want from the first page to a nice big buffer, go to the other page, paste everything in one at a time. I use it constantly, can’t live without it.

  2. […] still writing their blog post from WordPress, that is so last year. I also realized, while reading Hugh McGuire question, that TextMate is really powerful for blogging. I’ve been using it for quite some time now […]

  3. Matt Matt 2007-10-24

    I totally need this functionality too. Is jumpcut a FF plugin? Will check it out.

  4. Kara Kara 2007-10-24

    Nope, jumpcut is not a plugin, just a free little utility.

  5. Anything for us PC users?

    I’d love a better clipboard utility – plug-in or not.

  6. Hugh Hugh 2007-10-25

    @mitch joel: ha ha ha ha … right.


  7. Kara Kara 2007-10-25

    Now, now, PC users are people too :) Mitch, try googling “freeware PC clipboard buffering utility” or some such combo. Good luck!

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