Steve explores what it takes to delete your Facebook account (and all the data in there). Says the helpful Lucy of the Facebook Team:
Hi Steven,
If you deactivate, your account is removed from the site. However, we save all your profile content (friends, photos, interests, etc.), so if you want to reactivate sometime, your account will look just the way it did when you deactivated. If you do want your information completely wiped from our servers, we can do this for you. However, you need to remove all profile content before we can do this. Once you have cleared your account, let us know and we’ll take care of the rest.Thanks for contacting Facebook,
Customer Support Representative
This means there is a function to “deactivate” your account, leaving all info intact… but there is no standard function to delete your account. For that you must a) remove all profile content*, and b) contact Facebook directly.
*Now what Lucy doesn’t explicitly say here, though she informs Steve later in the conversation, is that “removing all your profile content (friends, photos, interests, etc.) means deleting, one-by-one every single thing in on your facebook page (minifeed items, little widgety things like movie reviews, friends, etc). Which, if you’ve been at it for a while, could take hours and hours.
Thanks, Facebook.
Read more about Steve’s adventures with Facebook’s privacy policy.
I would like my facebook account deleted please and can you send me a note the it is delete please thanks.
can you please delete my facebook
please remove me from facebook, i can’t access my account and tired of waiting for correspondance from facebook about password.
Can you show me how to permanently delete my facebook account because I don’t like it anymore? Thanks.
sorry folks i have no idea how to delete a facebook account.
You CAN delete your facebook account – by emailing the tech support and requesting it to be done. They will ask *you* to first delete “all profile content†and then email them again about it. So it’s not as easy as it should be, but can be done.
“there is no standard function to delete your account. For that you must a) remove all profile content*, and b) contact Facebook directly”
Hi there,can you please remove me fron Facebook.
Please notify me on my email
please delete all my details from facebook
Please delete my facebook….
Please delete me from facebook.
After that, please delete me from the gene pool as I am too stupid to own a computer and cannot read simple paragraphs….plus, I have completely missed the point of your post.
Please send an e-mail to: to confirm when you’ve delete me. ASAP.
What a bunch of friggin retards
Oooh, well done Steve, a cutting and incisive expose there of the dark underbelly of facebook, cos like we were all waiting to find out facebook was really a conthpirathy.
I’m wondering how I can delete Steve from teh internetz?
I’d gladly take the time to delete him bit by bit even if it took hours, cos it would be one less sad fucker cluttering up teh internetz and ting dem, yeah?
Wow, some of the people who’ve commented on this entry don’t have much by way of reading comprehension, do they?
[…] every once in a while I post something that seems to attract attention from strangers. This post about Steve’s experience trying to delete a Facebook account, for instance, keeps getting new […]
I find the whole thing mysterious… where are you all coming from??
Please delete my face. And teach me how to read a book.
The comments rule.
can’t stand having to go through so much garbage, such as email, pass word etc…
Can you please delete my Facebook account and send me an e-mail when this is done?
yes tammy I am on it. i’ll let you know.
[…] and, strangely, a previous post of mine about Steve & Facebook continues to get comments on a regular […]
i want to delete my facebook account.
dude, i feel your pain.
i want to no da way to delet my face book account
how did i delet my bacebook account can i do that?
can u delete me from face book pleze fanksxxx
Please delete me from facebook thanks.
yes for everyone wanting their facebook account deleted, i’m on it, i’ll report back if i’m successful.
delete my account and all information from the facebook
please reactivate my account having trouble
i think my account got permanently deleted when i changed my contact email, cus it says my old one isn’t registered anymore . Is it really gone forever?
Please can you delete me from facebook.
Thank’s Rhonda
=D This is SO freakin’ funny! What DO they all think you’re trying to say?! If the post wasn’t funny enough, the comments make up for it. Hell, am I glad I’m NOT on facebook!
P.S. Are you REALLY working on *all* these requests? :O
dont want to be on face boook no more delete me
Please cancel my account from Facebook and send me an e-mail for confirmation! Thank you.
I want facebook to remove me from there site.
Permanently delete my account on facebook
delete me from facebook why is it so difficult to do so
delete me from facebook
I don’t see why someone can’t delete me from Facebook
Please remove me from Facebook
Facebook is run by spooks
Why are so many people obsessed with sharing every goddamn little portion of their fucking average ass lives
I LOLed.
I would like to CANCEL MY ACCOUNT. I no longer want this account. Please notify me when this is done.
i would like to cancel my account.i no longer want this account.please notify me when this is done.
Please delete me from facebook,as i am not intereste and never got the hang of it. Thank you
Hey. I have two accounts both in my name and I’m unable to remeber the email for the other one. I’ve sendt a message to Facebook… about a year a go, so I hope you can help me delete everything about me (Ida Lind Simonsen) from Facebook. I no longer want these accounts and I do NOT wish to retive them eaither so please get rid of everything about me on Facebook. From A-Z and so forth.
Please do it as fast as possible and send me an e-mail at as soon as this is done.
Thanks. You saved my day. :D
I asked you to delete my Facebook but there is no need.
i am not interested anymore on facebook.please delete my profile on facebook thank you.
Please help delete me and all information from facebook account.
Appreciate it very much! Margaret
I would like this e-mail( )acc taken off facebook I have another acc. and I us that one but I can’ get in to it Nancy