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wordpress upgrade to 2.2

warning to you kids at home: don’t do it when you are exhausted. what should have been a 5 min little job was a 2 hr ordeal. I did so many things wrong, so many times, i can’t really believe it. but looks like everything is ok now. x-fingers.


  1. Jerry Pettit Jerry Pettit 2007-06-09

    I haven’t upgraded yet–worried about having difficulty like you had.

    I also figured “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

    Should I reconsider?

  2. jer jer 2007-06-11

    It’s not really a feature-heavy upgrade but there are a few good things, like some apparent fixes to the “visual editor” to allow <embed> (i.e. youtube) and stuff.

    Hard thing is always your plugins, it’s a good idea to check the pages of anything critical before you upgrade, usually there’s either “it was broke and now it’s fixed” or “ouch, not fixed yet”, though I guess silence can be deadly too (until you find the other page about the same plugin, where some guy is like “oh crap, that guy is just ignoring his broken plugin, here’s a version that works but i’m not taking it over!”)

  3. Hugh Hugh 2007-06-11

    yeah the worst is when you have a new business based on a plugin that no longer works!


  4. jer jer 2007-06-11

    I love Hugh McGuire.

  5. Hugh Hugh 2007-06-13

    I love jeremy clarke.

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