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  1. mtl3p mtl3p 2007-06-25

    wow. … transendence through some idol show. I wouldn’ta thunk it.

  2. marko marko 2007-06-25

    There is something about watching the success of an underdog that is truly sublime and uplifting.

    Thanks for making me smile!

  3. Boris Anthony Boris Anthony 2007-06-27

    shows like this factor into the Long Tail stuff. Not surprising at all, and yes, damn nice to see. Bravo to Paul.

    But did they have to follow it up with Aerosmith? Sheesh. ;)

  4. Hugh Hugh 2007-06-27

    yeah that was a weird follow-up…

  5. Allan Pedersen Allan Pedersen 2007-10-27

    When can I buy the cd…
    World class….

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