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redirect/.htaccess kungfu

Thanks to Evan for the .htaccess/redirect kungfu code.

Thanks to Boris for the .htaccess/redirect kungfu implementation.

Now if you follow a google link to the old dose, say:

You should get redirected to the equivalent page on … google & other search-engines, apparently, will follow the links too.

Now I will see if I can do something similar from … But I don’t think that I have access to .htacess on that hosted site. Which is another reason to change from a hosted site to your own. You have so much less control of your data on a hosted site, and that sucks.

once again, for all you kids, some advice:

1. choose your URL wisely and soon (why not go register your name in .com, .net, .ca right now…you may not want to use it now… but i bet eventually you’ll want it).

2. get off your hosted service asap (blogger, blogsome, livejournal, etc etc), and on your own site: is about $10/month (ie 4 coffees), and they offer one-click wordpress installs
-dreamhost will even let you register URLs for free, or use Julien’s codes at godaddy, it’ll cost you $6.95 to register for a year.

3. get to know .htaccess kung fu artists – it makes life easier.